Write for DividendYields.org

Thank you for your interest in writing for DividendYields.org. DividendYields.org publishes original news content, opinion pieces and articles about dividend investing. Visitors of DividendYields.org are highly educated investors, interested in personal finance, investing and trading, so take that into account.

Your article must be written in English, published first or exclusively on DividendYields.org and will be reviewed before publishing. Please note that external links will be nofollow to comply with Google TOS.
We have a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to plagiarism.

The advantages of writing for DividendYields.org include:
- Writing for a well-known website about dividend investing
- Read by thousands of viewers every month
- Gaining visibility of your personal brand and writing samples, since articles also appear on the DividendYields.org Twitter feed
- Developing yourself into an expert in your own field and helping you further establish your online brand

If you have any questions about our policies, writer guidelines or areas of need in terms of content, please contact us.
If this makes sense for you, please take a minute or two to submit a writer application. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you again for your interest and we're looking forward to read from you!